"Pedid, y se os dará; buscad, y hallaréis; llamad, y se os abrirá. Porque todo aquel que pide, recibe; y el que busca, halla; y al que llama, se le abrirá"

Mateo 7, 7-8

Brindamos experiencias espirituales y culturales memorables que refrescan tu alma.

Nuestra Visión

Nuestra Visión

Ser la agencia de turismo religioso y cultural más humana e innovadora, donde los simples detalles también cuentan.

Peregrinando en Fé

Somos una agencia de turismo religioso, ofrecemos experiencias de fé y turismo alternativo en Colombia.

Experiencias de Fé y Cultura

Descubre el turismo alternativo que renueva tu alma

Recorridos guiados por el centro histórico de Buga
Visita a la Basílica del Señor de los Milagros de Buga
Visita a la Hacienda El Paraíso
Visitas a sitios de interés cultural en Santiago de Cali
Museo de la Caña de Azucar
Lago Calima, Darien
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Las experiencias de peregrinando en fé son inolvidables, llenas de espiritualidad y conexión con la naturaleza.

María López

A large cruise ship is docked near a mountainous area with lush green hills. People are walking around on a damp pathway, some dressed in raincoats, indicating wet weather. A building with a sign that says 'TICKETS' is visible to the left, and a few people are standing near a colorful mascot on the right, adding a playful element to the scene. The atmosphere is lively with tourists exploring the area.
A large cruise ship is docked near a mountainous area with lush green hills. People are walking around on a damp pathway, some dressed in raincoats, indicating wet weather. A building with a sign that says 'TICKETS' is visible to the left, and a few people are standing near a colorful mascot on the right, adding a playful element to the scene. The atmosphere is lively with tourists exploring the area.

Un viaje transformador, lleno de fe y belleza. Recomiendo esta agencia a todos los buscadores de experiencias.

Juan Pérez

A narrow entryway filled with neatly arranged magazines and brochures on a wooden shelf. The wall features several framed posters, mostly promoting travel and lifestyle content. The ambient lighting casts a warm glow, creating a cozy atmosphere.
A narrow entryway filled with neatly arranged magazines and brochures on a wooden shelf. The wall features several framed posters, mostly promoting travel and lifestyle content. The ambient lighting casts a warm glow, creating a cozy atmosphere.